
Breaking Down Barriers in Game Discovery with Ichiro Lambe – Ep 363 Shownotes

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Episode Name:

Breaking Down Barriers in Game Discovery

Episode Description:

Many great games go unnoticed due to a lot of different factors, but one of the main areas studios and developers struggle with is nailing down discoverbility.

So today, we’re going to tackle this problem by understanding issues with the current game discovery system and discuss practical solutions to fix it, so you can break down barriers in game discovery and stand out!

Q?Box Round Answers


We covered quite a bit today. Could you list 3 suggestions or tips you would recommend to indie devs based on our discussion?

  1. Spend more time in ideation and protoyping; it’s cheaper than production.
  2. Be aware of how the sales funnel works.
  3. Talk to as many people as you can. Travel to as many conferences as you can, OR network online.


How to get in touch with Ichiro Lambe

Website: https://www.totallyhuman.io/

Twitter: @IchiroDejobaan

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ichirolambe/

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