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Episode Name:
Taking an Iron Strong Approach to Marketing with Joe Winters
Episode Description:
Trying to create awareness for your game is always an up-hill battle for indie devs, especially when it comes to identifying your audience and how to approach them. But even when you figure those steps out, it’s a challenge to determine the best ways to build upon and improve those efforts. That’s why we’ve invited Joe Winters, creator of Song of Iron to share his insights on how he found the right audience while taking a genuine approach to his marketing, creating an amazing impact for the community and his game.
Q?Box Round Answers!
The Q?Box round is a series of random questions so you can get to know a little bit more about our guest.
Favorite food?
Whatever he’s eating while camping.
Most influential/inspiring game?
Ocarina of Time, Shadow of the Colossus and Journey
Early Bird or Night Owl?
Early bird
Zoo or Aquarium
If you could speak another language, what would it be?
What are you playing right now?
How to get in touch with Joe and learn more about Song of Iron?
Website: www.songofiron.com
Twitter: @SongofIron