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Episode Name:
How to Consistently Maintain Quality with Supergiant Games
Episode Description:
Supergiant Games has been praised for having a consistent and quality signature across their vast array of games. From the initial concept to communication and gameplay, we want to discuss their standard of quality, and how the ideas behind some of these games grow to become a completely immersive experience.
Q?Box Round Answers!
The Q?Box round is a series of random questions so you can get to know a little bit more about our guest.
What’s a place you want to visit?
Moscow and Ireland
Favorite animated movie?
Princess Mononoke
Milkshakes or Smoothies?
It’s complicated
What’s one thing that motivates you every day?
Love of games
Best breakfast food?
What are you playing right now?
Spirit Farer and Little Nightmares 2.
How to get in touch with Greg and Supergiant Games?
Website: www.supergiantgames.com
Twitter: @SupergiantGames
Greg’s Twitter: @kasavin
Unfold Game Awards: www.unfoldgamesawards.com