
How Indie Devs Can Understand and Influence Consumer Behavior – Indie Game Movement Ep 118 Show Notes

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Episode Name:

How Indie Devs Can Understand and Influence Consumer Behavior

Episode Description:

The marketing of indie games must always be consumer-focused, ensuring that your product fulfills a need and relevant place in a gamer’s collection. However, it can be difficult to determine what a customer really wants.

Thankfully, we have Chris Zukowski with us today to share a recent study he’s finished about user behavior and provides insights on how indie devs can better influence that behavior which ultimately leads to sales.

Q?Box Round Answers!

The Q?Box round is a series of random questions so you can get to know a little bit more about our guest.

1) What is your favorite movie?

Punch Drunk Love starring Adam Sandler

2) Dogs or Cats?


3) What’s your favorite meal?


4) What’s one thing that motivates you every day?

Seeing people engage with content he wrote and playing games he made!

5) What are you playing right now?

Deadcells, to study the roguelike genre.  

Key Takeaways

  1. Don’t rely on a single strategy or tactic. You need to build a system that creates awareness, drives users through your funnel and scales the system for multiple game releases.
  2. Know your genre and be aware of your “competitors”. 
  3. Use your mailing list and set up and auto-responder.


More info about Chris and Adventure Mountain Games

Want a free copy of Chris’ Game 1 Screen Platformer? Just email him directly at iamchriszukowski AT gmail.com. Make sure the subject is INDIE GAME MOVEMENT. No additional text necessary. Enjoy! Marketing Website: howtomarketagame.com Games Website: returntoadventuremountain.com

Social Media Twitter:@AdventureMtn

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