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Episode Name:
How to Pitch Your Game and Thrive at Industry Events
Episode Description:
Pitching a game isn’t just about the idea or talking to partners like publishers, it’s about the delivery, timing, and knowing your audience. And properly executing a pitch in any context can be a daunting challenge.
So today, we’re going to dig deep into strategies for creating an impactful pitch. Whether it’s capturing the attention of someone casually inquiring about your game to maximizing your presence at gaming events, we’ll discuss how to create compelling pitches that can form meaningful connections and leave a lasting impression.
Master Class Course link: use code: IGM
Q?Box Round Answers
Name one thing that motivates you every day?
Building something positive and lasting.
What’s the one major thing you would want to accomplish in your lifetime?
Build something positive and lasting 🙂
What game are you playing now?
Persona 3 and 5.
We covered quite a bit today. Could you list 3 suggestions or tips you would recommend to indie devs based on our discussion?
- When pitching, be respectful of their time: be concise, clear and informative.
- Networking is the most valuable skill you will ever achieve.
- Know yourself well and take the time to know the people you are interested in.
How to get in touch with Patty Toledo
Master Class Course link: use code: IGM