
The PAX East Indie Dev Round Up – Indie Game Movement Ep 111

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Episode Name:

The PAX East Indie Dev Round Up

Episode Description:

In this episode, Mustapha and I decide to change things up a bit by rounding up several indie devs that were exhibiting their games at PAX East. Our mission was to find out what marketing challenges they faced and what they were doing to overcome them.   

The PAX East Indie Dev Pack

Below we listed the indie devs we interviewed and information available about their game and their company. Please visit, support and reach out to them if you’re interested in learning more about their marketing endeavors! 

Paranoid Productions

Church in the Darkness – Richard Rouse

Overcome marketing challenges by… Leveraging help from other marketing professionals


The Inner Friend – Mederic 

Overcome marketing challenges by…Getting feedback from players and narrowing down messaging.

Bombshelter Games

Depths of Sanity – Bennett

Overcome marketing challenges by…It’s all about community, standing out, entering competitions and getting your game out there. 

Bowl Cut Studios

Mage Quit – Brett

Overcome marketing challenges by…Building up community nights, Twitter strategies finding new ways for exposure.

Zing Games Inc.

Zombie Rollers – Cari

Overcome marketing challenges by…Attending events, engaging with a fanbase to create user-generated content

KeokeN Interactive

Deliver us the Moon – Paul

Overcome marketing challenges by…Portray a feeling of what you and others want and team up with PR and marketing companies.

New Blood Interactive

Lots of Games on Switch for the First time….and new merch – Dave Oshry

Overcome challenges by…Build a community, get the word out and make sure the people who likely care about your game… know about your game!


Anew: The Distant Light – Jeff

Overcome marketing challenges by…Cutting through the noise and getting the attention of websites to get coverage. 

Vertex Pop

Super Crush KO – Mo

Overcome marketing challenges by…Having something that is unique, stands out within your genre and working with a marketing company while being conscious and aware of marketing. 

SPARSE//Game Dev

Spring and Flow – Eric and Victoria

Overcome marketing challenges by…Getting the word out so people notice you more, especially at events like PAX to connect with more people to get the word out. 

Double Dash Studios

Sky Racket – Jande

Overcome marketing challenges by…Learning how to market the game and communicate with their greater community as a means to self publish. 

Flight School Studio

Creature in the Well – Adam

Overcome marketing challenges by…Announced the game in Nintendo Direct and make it as easy as possible for people to become familiar with your game and get it out there!

Horizon’s End

The Great Gaias – Matt

Overcome marketing challenges by…Gaining additional exposure and people in front of their game by attending events like PAX. 


Our Key Takeaways

  1. Get help from others. Don’t just rely on yourself to do all the marketing, get help from professionals when possible!
  2. Get the word out there in any and every way possible.
  3. Create a game with built-in marketability by designing something that stands out within your genre.



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