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Episode Name:
How to Nail Effective Team Building with Nicolas Hafner
Episode Description:
When it comes to building a team for your indie game studio, people usually focus on the work needed to finish the project. While that’s important, knowing and understanding how to build a healthy team from the beginning is essential to greater productivity and a healthy work culture.
Thankfully Nicolas Hafner of ShinMera shares his experience and methods he uses to build an effective team that promotes active communication and a clear vision so they can work seamlessly together.
Q?Box Round Answers!
The Q?Box round is a series of random questions so you can get to know a little bit more about our guest.
If you could only speak one word for an entire day, what would it be?
Most inspirational game recently?
Death Stranding
Crayons, Colored Pencils, or Sharpie
If you could speak another language you don’t know fluently, what would it be?
What game are you playing now?
DragonQuest 11
We covered quite a bit today. Could you list 3 suggestions or tips you would recommend to indie devs based on our discussion?
- If you are in a leadership position, make sure that people see you as being open.
- Make sure that you jive and get along with people in general.
- Try and make sure that you are aware of yourself and your actions.
How to get in touch with Nicolas
Website: Kandria Website Shinmera Website
Email: shinmera@tymoon.eu
Social Media: @shinmera