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Episode Name:
How Indie Devs Can Transition Into Becoming a Publisher
Episode Description:
When indie devs decide that they want to make games, in most cases when thinking about publishing, it’s along the lines of partnering with one. However, there’s a trend going on where many developers are becoming publishers. For some that may consider this, transitioning into this role can seem daunting despite the opportunities it can provide. That’s why IGM podcast veteran Neal Lorenza, shares his history, process, and reasoning for making this transition and why for some, the benefits can be rewarding on various levels.
Q?Box Round Answers!
Want to know Neal’s Q?Box questions and answers? Then please visit his previous episode here!
Key Takeaways to consider when transitioning into becoming a publisher.
- Look for projects doing things that are non-traditional and not seen yet.
- Don’t go making bets or writing checks you can’t cash and be careful with financial decisions.
- Consider the internal capabilities that you have.
How to get in touch with Neal and Skymap Games?
Twitter: @nealneato