
Creating Immersive Adventures While Keeping Things Simple with Dave Gilbert – Ep 358 Shownotes

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Episode Name:

Creating Immersive Adventures While Keeping Things Simple

Episode Description:

In an industry dominated by action, and complex graphics, creating immersive experiences with simple mechanics can be a daunting endeavor. However, sometimes there’s more potential than meets the eye, especially when looking to stand out.

Today, we’re going to investigate how simple, niche genres can also provide depth, creating a level of immersion that can rival other genres through thoughtful game design, engaging storytelling, and strong community collaboration.

Q?Box Round Answers


We covered quite a bit today. Could you list 3 suggestions or tips you would recommend to indie devs based on our discussion?

  1. Start small! Grow organically.
  2. There are lots of free tools out there. Take advantage of them.
  3. Don’t bet everything on your first project. You don’t know what you’re doing yet.


How to get in touch with Dave Gilbert

Website: https://www.wadjeteyegames.com/

Twitter: @WadjetEyeGames

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gilbertdave/

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