
Crafting Authentic Brand Identities that Stand Out with Anni Valkama – Ep 357 Shownotes

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Episode Name:

Crafting Authentic Brand Identities that Stand Out

Episode Description:

Crafting an authentic brand is crucial for indie games, especially when trying to stand out in a competitive market, but despite the need, it can be a real struggle for developers to define their positioning and know exactly what will cut through the noise.

In this episode, we’re going to discuss valuable insights on effective branding strategies, drawing from indie studio and publisher examples, and even explore how branding can be paried with marketing and storytelling, to help carve your niche and resonate with your audience.

Q?Box Round Answers


We covered quite a bit today. Could you list 3 suggestions or tips you would recommend to indie devs based on our discussion?

  1. If your dream is to work in gamedev long-term, define your brand identity to set yourself apart from the noise.
  2. Be authentic.
  3. Human beings evolve so why not brands? Treat your brand as an evolving thing with some core values at its core.


How to get in touch with Anni Valkama


Twitter: @astralberryy

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